What To

Initial Appointments

GLVD is a specialty dermatology and allergy clinic. Initial appointments scheduled at GLVD may be referred by the primary (family) veterinarian; however, a referral is not required and may be scheduled solely by an owner. Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to complete an initial history, and it will be necessary for the primary veterinarian to send pertinent parts of the pet’s past medical record (i.e., lab work, histopathology reports, and culture results).

  • All initial appointments begin with a complete and thorough review of your pet’s medical history along with a full dermatologic examination.
  • Estimates will be provided for all services.
  • Initial appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes, but you can expect to be at the clinic for up to 90 minutes.
  • Typically we recommend following your family veterinarian’s treatment plan leading up to the first visit, as discontinuation of medications could lead to patient suffering before the appointment.

Re-check Examination

A re-check examination typically lasts 30 minutes, including a review of the previous visit, a progress report, and a discussion about your pet’s response to therapy. Skin and/or ear cytology may also be required to determine if any secondary infections have been resolved.


We recognize the desire to have your pet seen as soon as possible. We offer a waitlist for patients that may be scheduled out longer than desired. Please ask to be placed on the waitlist if you would like.